Triangles: 1.3M
Vertices: 805.3k
More model informationThis model is made to show how nature always takes back control.
The theme of Collision of Nature and Civilization was really a challenge.
This model includes
Earth ( Ocean, Fishes, whales, Trees, Old age city. hut, mid age city, Houses, Current age city, Buildings, Bridges, Wind-mill, Bomb explosition, Dinosaur, Mammoth, King kong, Ostrich, Deer, Rino, Elephants, Snake, Giraph, Birds, Tiger, Horse, Bear, Cow, Farmer, Spiderman, Batman, 9/11, Titanic, Boat, yacht, burj khalifa, Ice-burg )
Sun, Moon ( moon have a little surprise in it, Someone who have watched everything happend on earth )