This model shows the progression of earthquakes during the February 6, 2023 M7.8 and M7.5 earthquake sequence along the Turkey-Syria border. Dark balls become colored when an earthquake occurs. Balls are scaled by magnitude (M2.0 to M7.8) and are colored by time (red first, blue last). Purple colored patches show areas of dense population (>1000 people per square kilometer), and purple lines are major roads. Times are local time (GMT+3).
Data credits Seismicity: KOERI-RETMC ( retrieved on 2023-02-08 at 15:58:10 (GMT+3). - Roads: Patterson and Kelso, 2012 ( - City labels: geonames ( and are scaled by total population. - Population density: LandScan Global (
The source data for this 3D model are available on request, and when Sketchfab fixes the download option.
Model by Dr. Kyle Bradley and Dr. Judith Hubbard, February 8 2023 Contact: